Red Wagtail Swordtail ( Xiphophorus hellerii ) 3 to 3.5cm

Species Overview

COMMON NAME: Swordtail 

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Xiphophorus helleri

ADULT SIZE: 3-4 inches


SKU: F436 Category:


Swordtails are one of the best known beginner, community fish species, getting along with a wide variety of other fish and many different environments. They have been bred for many generations, creating many varieties within the species. Being live bearer fish, swordtails reproduce very quickly, but can be easily identified as males or females by their distinctive “sword” on the tail (caudal fin) of the males.


Swordtails do best living in a group, so plan on at least 4-5 individuals per aquarium. You are welcome to mix different varieties together, but be ready for a swarm of baby swordtails if you mix males and females. Being live-bearing fish, swordtails can reproduce very quickly, reaching sexual maturity as early as three months of age. Some potential tankmates include Neon Tetras, Coolie Loach or Corydoras.

Swordtail Habitat and Care

Swordtails do well in many different aquarium setups. These easy going fish are good for beginners and a colorful addition to any community tank. They are active fish, so make sure there are not too many decorative items in their way. The best combination for swordtails is to keep your décor and plants to the lower half to 2/3 of your tank and leave the top of the tank open for active swimming.

Male swordtails may take up territory and become aggressive towards other fish. Be sure to have plenty of room for all your swordtails, despite their small size! It may help to add fake or live plants to give your fish more hiding areas.

Swordtail Diet and Feeding

Swordtails are omnivores that enjoyed a varied diet. Depending on the water temperature, you may need to feed your fish 2-3 times per day. Many tropical fish like to forage throughout the day, so fewer feedings are not ideal for swordtails. Swordtails do well on most community micropelleted diets, and also enjoy occasional frozen and freeze-dried treats.


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