Bristlenose Pleco


Species Overview:           

COMMON NAME:                Bristlenose Pleco

SCIENTIFIC NAME:             Ancistrus cirrhosus

ADULT SIZE:                        5 inches

LIFE EXPECTANCY:            510 Years

ARRIVED:                             October 14th 2023

ORIGIN:                                 Local Breed

SKU: F24 Category:


Having a diet of vegetation makes plecos an ideal aquarium addition. They are terrific tank cleaners who will “vacuum” the substrate on a daily basis. As peaceful and sociable fish, plecos fit into community tanks nicely. The Bristlenose Pleco is not only an easy fish to care for; it’s also unique in appearance and fun to watch.

The Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus cirrhosus) originates in South America, mainly in the fast-flowing waters of the Amazon River Basin. Other species of Ancistrus catfishes can be found in other parts of South and Central America, including Panama.

Because these fish are so easy to care for, they make a great choice for beginners. The Bristlenose Pleco was first classified in 1836 and have become quite popular since.

Colors and Markings

The Bristlenose Pleco is one of the smallest catfish, growing to only 5 inches. They are brown, green, or gray with white or yellow spots; some have uneven coloring, with lighter and darker splotches on various parts of their bodies. Most have lighter abdomens and darker backs (with the exception of the albino Bristlenose, which is mostly yellowish). This species has an unusual appearance, featuring bony plates, a flat, fat body, and a wide head with an “underbite” to the set of the lower mandible. Bristles start to appear around six months, when the fish has reached maturity.


Any peaceful fish are fine tankmates for Bristlenose Plecos, and they can be kept together with other algae eaters, like snails or grazing fish. They are great for community tanks with species like Neon Tetras, Platys, Guppys, and more. Some aquarists even pair them with known aggressors, such as bettas or African cichlids, and even with competitive fish like goldfish. However, when plecos reach maturity the males can be highly territorial around each other.

Bristlenose Pleco Habitat and Care

Bristlenose Plecos do well in a tank of 20 gallons or larger and can handle a wide range of water conditions from soft and acidic to harder and alkaline. Water temperature should be kept around 73-80 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.5—7.5, Ensure water hardness is less than 200 ppm. Some hobbyists have found success with Bristlenose Plecos in Cichlid tanks. This may hold true, but it would be best not to keep them with larger Central and South American Cichlids. If you’re looking to breed them, do not add into a tank with substrate spawning Cichlids because the Cichlids are likely to devour their eggs.

Naturally, Bristlenose Plecos prefer water that is well aerated with some sort of current. Because they are bottom dwellers, make sure to provide plenty of driftwood, roots, plants, and caves for them to hide in during the day. They are nocturnal and prefer to do their eating mostly at night. Driftwood can provide a good substrate on which algae will consistently grow, giving the Bristlenose Pleco a sufficient amount of food. Although they are herbivores, they will not harm live plants.

Bristlenose Pleco Diet and Feeding

In nature, Bristlenose Plecos are herbivores, eating mainly algae, so feeding algae or spirulina wafers once or twice daily is best. Granules, flakes, or bloodworms are also good, while the occasional zucchini slices and blanched romaine lettuce or spinach are good treats. Just make sure to never overfeed. Feed your Bristlenose algae wafers once or twice a week and provide vegetables every 24 hours such as cabbage and zucchini. Well-fed plecos have good coloration so it’s easy to tell when their nutritional needs are being met. Like all catfish, the Bristlenose Pleco will also spend some of its time foraging through the substrate for algae and other detritus; this, of course, is a great plus as it results in a much cleaner tank.


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