Black Neon Tetra ( Hyphessobrycon Herbert Axelrodi ) 2.1cm

Black Neon Tetra ( Hyphessobrycon Herbert Axelrodi ) 2.1cm


Species Overview:           

COMMON NAMES:                        Black tetra, neon tetra, black neon

SCIENTIFIC NAME:                        Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

ADULT SIZE:                                   1.5 inches

LIFE EXPECTANCY:                     5 years

ARRIVED:                                     Febuary 6th 2024

ORIGIN:                                         Europe Import

SKU: F5 Categories: ,

The black neon tetra is native to the Paraguay basin of southern Brazil. In the wild, these fish prefer small tributaries, creeks, areas of flooded forest, and sandbanks. Their natural habitat is usually very acidic, and the water is stained brown from the tannins released by decaying organic material.

Colors and Markings

Sporting an iridescence of white, greenish, and black, the black neon makes an excellent contrast fish. They stand apart from the similarly sized tetras, such as the red-splashed rummy nose or neon tetra, and they are also a bit taller in the body. They can readily be identified as they have an enamel-white to greenish neon stripe contrasted with a rich velvety black color below.


At an adult size of little more than 1 inch, black neons are suitable for small aquariums. They are a schooling fish and should always be kept in groups of a half dozen or more. They also make a nice addition to a larger community aquarium, as they are peaceful and easy to care for.

Neon tetras do well in a community tank, as long as tankmates are not large or aggressive. They get along well with all sorts of other peaceful fish, such as rasboras, danios, gouramis, and other small tetras as well as the corys and other small catfish. Avoid larger fish, as they will eat these tiny tetras at the first opportunity. The rule of thumb is, if the mouth of the fish opens large enough to swallow the neon, they will do it sooner or later.

Black Neon Tetra Habitat and Care

Like other tetras, black neons prefer soft acidic water; however, they are quite adaptable and are more tolerant of hard neutral water than other tetra species. Peat filtering is recommended for bringing out the best coloration, and peat is essential if you’re attempting to breed them.

The ideal environment for the black neon tetra includes subdued lighting, live plants, open space for swimming, a dark substrate, and a healthy water current in the mid to upper region of the aquarium, where they prefer to swim. For the substrate, use river sand with some driftwood and twisted roots. Add some dried leaves to the tank, which will stain the water a light brown. Replace the leaves every few weeks. Use dim lighting to develop the tetra’s coloring for the best display effect.

Black neon tetras are not exceptionally difficult to care for, provided their water is kept clean. At least 25 to 50 percent of the tank water should be replaced every other week, especially if the tank is densely stocked. Because they are very active swimmers, it is also advisable to keep them in a tank at least 20 inches in length and ideally holding 20 gallons or more. The tank should be securely covered, as these fish are skilled jumpers and will likely demonstrate this if given the opportunity.

Black Neon Tetra Diet and Feeding

Its natural diet consists of small invertebrates and plants and often includes crustacea, filamentous algae, and fallen fruits. Black neons are not demanding and will eat almost anything offered to them; however, they should be fed a varied diet for optimum health and color. Flake, frozen, and freeze-dried foods are all suitable, as are small live worms and brine shrimp.


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