Bronze Corydora

Bronze Corydora


Species Overview

COMMON NAMES: Bronze cory, green cory

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Corydoras aeneus

ADULT SIZE: 2.5 inches

LIFE EXPECTANCY: 5 to 10 years

ARRIVED: January 18th 2024

ORIGIN: Europe Import

The bronze corydoras, also known as a bronze cory or a green cory, is a small, tropical freshwater catfish that ranks among the most popular catfish kept in home freshwater aquariums. These fish are easy to care for and hardy, but they are somewhat shy.


Bronze corys are a schooling fish. Keep them in groups of at least five. Cory catfish tankmates may include most community tank species as long as they are non-aggressive and friendly in nature. Otocinclus catfish, tetras, swordtails, and other corys can be a good fit. Avoid putting corys in the same tank with oscars, Texas cichlids, or Jack Dempseys. These species can injure corys or may try to eat them.

Bronze Corydoras Habitat and Care

Bronze corys tolerate a wide variety of water conditions. However, they prefer acid to neutral pH, soft to slightly hard water, and temperatures in the middle 70s. They are not tolerant of salt and should always be moved if the tank is going to treated using salt.

All corys like to dig in the substrate in search of food. To avoid irritation to their barbels, use small, smooth-edged gravel or sand as the substrate. They tend to be shy and should be provided with hiding places (preferably of wood or stone), as well as floating plants to subdue the lighting. They prefer low water levels similar to the shallow waters near the banks of the Amazon tributaries that are their native habitat.

Bronze Corydoras Diet and Feeding

In the wild, corys mainly feed on small crustaceans, worms, and insects. Bronze corys are omnivorous and will accept everything from flake to frozen foods. To maintain their good health, a variety of foods should be offered, including their favorite live foods: bloodworms, blackworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp.

Corys tend to ignore live foods that remain near the surface of the water. They are bottom feeders, which can prove to be a problem; other fish may consume most of the food before it reaches the bottom. Owners should use tongs to place foods lower and then closely observe at feeding time to ensure the corys are getting a sufficient amount of food.


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