Video of Actual Fish
The Suckermouthed Catfish (Hypostomus punctatus) is a tropical fish known as a Plecostomus belonging to the armored suckermouth catfish family (Loricariidae). It is one of a number of species commonly referred to as the Common Pleco by aquarists.
Physical Characteristics:
Suckermouthed catfish is a species of Loricariidae. Like other members of this family, it has a suckermouth, armor plates, strong dorsal and pectoral fin spines, and the omega iris. Hypostomus punctatus is difficult to distinguish from closely related species, such as Hypostomus plecostomus. Identification is relatively difficult as there are many different similar species labeled as Common Pleco. This species
has a light brown coloration with a pattern of darker brown spots (the last part of its scientific name, punctatus, means “spotted”). Because of this, the species may also be known as the Spotted Hypostomus. There is no striping pattern. Also, they are lighter than H. plecostomus.
Hypostomus plecostomus is named for its sucker-like mouth, which allows it to adhere to a surface, as well as to hold and rasp at food, including newly hatched and baby golden apple snails as well as Malaysian trumpet snails. This omnivorous species also feeds on algae, aquatic plants, and small crustaceans.
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