Corydoras Albino 2.5cm

Corydoras Albino 2.5cm


  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Maximum Size: 2″
  • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Water Conditions: 72-79° F, KH 1-12, pH 5.8-7.8
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Origin: South America, Amazon River basin
  • Family: Callichthyidae
  • Species: Cory Catfish
  • Aquarium Type: Community

Albino Cory Catfish are native to the tributaries and flood plains around the Amazon River in South America. They are peaceful, bottom-dwelling scavengers that feed on a variety of plant and meaty foods. In aquariums, they help keep the substrate clean by consuming uneaten food and decaying plant matter. They thrive in groups, ideally of 4 or more, and should be kept with other small, peaceful fish.

In their natural habitat, Albino Cory Cats prefer shaded areas with vegetation, driftwood, and a sandy substrate. They need areas to hide from bright lights and prefer cooler water temperatures in the mid-70s°F.

These fish regularly gulp air from the surface, an adaptation that allows them to survive in low-oxygen environments. It is essential they have space to do this in the aquarium.

Feeding: While Albino Cory Cats will scavenge leftover food from the substrate, they should also be fed sinking pellets, wafers, or treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp to ensure a balanced diet. They should be fed once or twice a day, depending on the aquarium’s size and the amount of food available.


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