The Panda Cory Cat is a peaceful, active fish with distinctive black markings around its eyes and near its tail, resembling a panda. They are popular in aquariums for their appealing coloration and beneficial role in consuming leftover food and decaying plant matter, making them great for planted and community tanks.
In the wild, Panda Cory Cats live in groups of up to 30, and in aquariums, they thrive best in groups of 4–6, either with their own kind or mixed with other Corydoras species. This promotes better health and longer lifespans. They also have a unique adaptation that allows them to gulp air at the surface to extract oxygen from their hind gut, which helps them survive in poorly oxygenated waters.
To mimic their natural Amazon jungle stream habitat, the ideal aquarium setup includes a soft sandy substrate, smooth gravel, driftwood or tree roots, and low-light plants like Java Ferns or Anubias. They also benefit from taller plants like Sword plants to filter bright light. While their native streams feature decaying leaves, it’s difficult to replicate this in aquariums due to the need for regular maintenance. Quality water conditions are essential, as they are sensitive to poor water quality and high nitrates. Avoid undergravel filtration and ensure good water flow around the substrate.
As for their diet, Panda Cory Cats are foraging omnivores that need a balanced mix of plant material and meaty foods. They are easy to feed, readily accepting a variety of foods such as freeze-dried bloodworms, black worms, sinking pellets, shrimp pellets, flake food, brine shrimp, and frozen or live foods designed for freshwater tropical fish.
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