Corydoras Peppered ( Corydoras paleatus )
- Scientific Name: Corydoras paleatus
- Common Name: Peppered Corydoras
- Origin: South America (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
- Size: 2.5-3 inches (6-7.5 cm)
- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water Temperature: 70-78°F (21-26°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Diet: Omnivorous; accepts sinking pellets, flakes, live/frozen foods, and vegetables.
- Temperament: Peaceful, social, and nocturnal; prefers to be kept in groups of 4-6.
- Compatibility: Peaceful community fish; compatible with tetras, guppies, and rainbowfish.
- Breeding: Egg-layer; requires a flat surface for egg deposition.
- Care Tips: Provide soft, sandy substrate, plants, and hiding spots. Ensure good filtration and regular water changes.
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