eSHa ALX 20ml

eSHa ALX 20ml


eSHa alx

medicine against parasitic crustaceans
carp lice, anchor worms, gill lice
not tolerated by shrimps

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SKU: 8712592790192 Categories: ,

eSHa alx is a veterinary medicine for ornamental fish against parasitic species of Crustacea (Maxillopoda), such as Argulus (carp lice), Lernaea (anchor worm), Ergasilus (gill lice), Salmincola (gill lice), etc. The parasitic Crustacea occur on and in the skin of fish and on the gills.

The symptoms caused by these parasites are similar:
Trying to jump out of the aquarium. Scraping the entire body along stones and the bottom. Visible areas where parasites have bitten (which subsequently become white as the skin dies), pale gills, listless behaviour, skittishness, weight loss, separating from the group, not eating etc.

Dosage eSHa alx:
Add once 1 ml per 200 l aquarium water. After 7 days carry out a partial water change of 20-50% and clean the substrate thoroughly. After 14 days a repeat treatment can be performed if not all parasites have been eliminated.

Weight 0.025 g


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