Golden Chinese Algea Eater 4cm+

Golden Chinese Algea Eater 4cm+


  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Maximum Size: 10″
  •  Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Water Conditions: 74-81° F, KH 8-10, pH 6.8-7.4
  • Diet: Herbivore
  • Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Family: Gyrinocheilidae
  • Species: Suckermouth Catfish
  • Aquarium Type: Community
SKU: F1136 Categories: , ,

The Golden Chinese Algae Eater is an albino variant of the Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilos aymonieri), selectively bred for its striking gold to yellow coloration. This freshwater tropical fish ranges in color from light tan/yellow to deep gold, depending on factors like aquarium conditions, lighting, and diet.

To enhance their vibrant coloration, they thrive in aquariums with live plants and driftwood, which support diverse algae growth. A diet combining these natural algae sources with vegetable-based sinking wafers ensures optimal health and color vibrancy.

The Golden Chinese Algae Eater has long been a popular addition to tropical community aquariums for its algae control capabilities and engaging behavior. Known for their unique swimming style and perching on rocks, plants, and driftwood, they are both functional and entertaining to watch.

In groups, one fish typically becomes dominant and grows larger, reaching up to 10 inches in length. While little is known about their breeding habits, they display semi-aggressive tendencies toward their own kind but generally coexist peacefully with other species.

They thrive in aquariums of 30 gallons or more, with plenty of rocks, driftwood, and plants for grazing. Though they can swim quickly in short bursts, they prefer shaded areas to avoid bright lights.

The Golden Chinese Algae Eater is a herbivorous fish that primarily feeds on algae growing on rocks, plants, driftwood, and aquarium glass. They are ideal for planted aquariums as they consume algae without harming live plants, unlike larger algae eaters like Plecos, which can damage plants due to their size. If natural algae is insufficient, they can be supplemented with sinking algae wafers and pellets.


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