Neolamprologus cylindricus Overview:
- Common Name: Cylindricus Cichlid
- Synonym: Lamprologus cylindricus
- Natural Habitat: Shallow, rocky habitats in the southeastern section of Lake Tanganyika, Africa.
- Maximum Size: 12 cm (4.1 inches).
- Diet: Flakes, green flakes, slow-sinking pellets, frozen foods (e.g., brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp, mosquito larvae).
Care Requirements:
- Temperature: 24–26°C (75–79°F).
- Water Parameters: Hard, alkaline water essential; pH 8.0–9.0, dH 15–25.
- Tank Size: Minimum 4-foot-long aquarium.
- Compatibility: Best suited to a Tanganyikan cichlid community tank with similarly sized and tempered species. Avoid housing with small shell-dwellers or similar species like Neolamprologus leleupi.
Tank Setup:
- Substrate: Coral sand or aragonite to maintain hardness and pH.
- Decor: Rocks to create caves and crevices; these fish thrive in such setups and may orient sideways or upside-down along the rockwork.
- Plants: Hardy plants like Anubias or Vallisneria spp., which tolerate hard, alkaline water.
- Moderately aggressive; adults are solitary. Juveniles can be kept in groups of 8+, but pairs that form may become territorial during breeding.
- Best kept in a well-filtered tank with excellent water movement and oxygenation.
- Type: Cave spawners.
- Reproduction: Female selects or excavates a cave, lays 30–100 eggs, fertilized by the male.
- Egg Care: Female guards eggs, male patrols the perimeter. Eggs hatch in 4–5 days, fry free-swimming in 10–14 days.
- Feeding Fry: Start with brine shrimp nauplii and powdered food.
- Post-Breeding: Parents may need to be moved after fry reach 2.5 cm (1 inch) to prevent aggression.
Special Notes:
- Intolerant of poor water conditions; frequent water changes are essential.
- Exhibits regional color variations (e.g., lighter northern variants, darker southern variants, and gold-headed juveniles).
- Pairs are weakly bonded, often separating post-spawning.
This striking species is ideal for experienced aquarists maintaining Tanganyikan-specific setups.
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