Pseudotropheus socolofi ( Maria Point ) 6cm+

Pseudotropheus socolofi ( Maria Point ) 6cm+


Species Overview:           

COMMON NAME:  Pseudotropheus socolofi ( Maria Point )

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pseudotropheus socolofi

ADULT SIZE:            9cm (3.5″)

LIFE EXPECTANCY:       10 years

ARRIVED:                          April 21th 2024

ORIGIN:                               Germany Import

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SKU: F319 Categories: ,

These verities differ in coloring as well as in body shape. The most common difference seen in the hobby is the lack of the black submarginal band in the dorsal fin which belongs to the races from Mara Point and Tumbi Point. Some have stronger, more visible vertical bars, while others lack them altogether. Some of these differences are the remnants of aggressive breeding programs. Consequently, the quality of available P. socolofi varies greatly, which has only weakened its popularity in the hobby.

Care: Like any other Malawi mbuna, socolofi need a pH ranging from 7.8 to 8.4, while the KH should be anywhere from 10 to 14 degrees. They should be kept in a tank that is densely rocky due to their aggressive disposition. Nooks and caves created by rocks will provide a safe haven for any badgered female and/or subdominant male.

Feeding: This fish is herbivorous and accordingly should be fed a diet rich in vegetable matter. Spirulina-based flake foods produce steady growth and healthy, colorful fish. Unlike most mbuna, P. socolofi does not scrape its food from off the rocks, but rather picks among the short algae strands without shearing them off.

Appearance: There is almost no color difference between male and female. Mature males, however, will display a bright blue, almost white color while females remain a rather drab blue. Some females lack egg spots on the anal fin, but this is not the most accurate means of differentiating males from females. Males egg spots also tend to have a sharper, more defined color. Males can reach up to 5-inches in length, while females will stay slightly smaller.


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