Rotala rotundifolia 5cm pot

Rotala rotundifolia 5cm pot


Rotala rotundifolia (5cm Pot) Care Guide

Rotala rotundifolia is a versatile and beginner-friendly aquatic plant known for its small, rounded leaves and ability to change color depending on lighting and nutrient conditions. It’s a popular choice for midground and background planting in aquariums. Here’s a concise care guide:

Care Requirements

  • Tank Size: Suitable for tanks of 10 gallons or larger.
  • Lighting: Moderate to high; brighter light encourages vibrant red or pink hues, while low light results in green coloration.
  • Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F); suitable for tropical aquariums.
  • pH Range: 6.0–7.5; tolerates a wide range but prefers slightly acidic water.
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderate (2–12 dGH).
  • Substrate: Nutrient-rich substrate; root tabs or liquid fertilizers can enhance growth.
  • Growth Rate: Fast; requires regular pruning to prevent it from overshadowing other plants.
  • CO2 Requirement: Optional; CO2 supplementation promotes faster growth and more vibrant coloration but is not necessary.

Key Tips

  • Regularly trim to maintain a bushy, compact appearance and encourage side shoots.
  • Dosing liquid fertilizers with iron and micronutrients enhances its color and growth.
  • Plant in dense clusters for a striking visual impact in the aquarium.
  • Rotala rotundifolia adapts well to a variety of conditions, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquascapers.

Rotala rotundifolia is a hardy and adaptable plant that adds beauty and depth to aquascapes. With proper lighting, nutrients, and occasional trimming, it will flourish and create a lush, colorful display in your aquarium.

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