Star Burst Angelfish 6.5cm

Star Burst Angelfish 6.5cm


Angelfish Overview

  • Scientific Name: Pterophyllum scalare
  • Common Names: Angelfish
  • Family: Cichlidae
  • Origin: South America (Amazon River Basin, Orinoco River)
  • Lifespan: 10 years or more with proper care
  • Maximum Size: Up to 6 inches in height (in the wild, they can grow larger)
  • Type: Freshwater

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Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) are graceful, popular freshwater aquarium fish, known for their elegant fins and social nature. Native to South America, they can live for 10 years or more with proper care, growing up to 6 inches tall.

Habitat & Tank Conditions:

  • Tank Size: At least 30 gallons, ideally 55 gallons or more for groups.
  • Substrate: Soft, smooth materials like fine sand or smooth stones to protect their delicate fins.
  • Plants & Hiding Spots: Dense plant cover and open swimming space mimic their natural habitat and reduce stress.
  • Water Conditions: Temperature of 76-84°F, pH 6.5-7.5, and moderately soft to moderately hard water (3–8 dGH). Good filtration is essential for maintaining clean water.

Social Behavior & Tankmates:

  • Angelfish thrive in groups but form pairs as they mature. They are best kept with peaceful fish like larger tetras, gouramis, and rainbowfish. Avoid small or fin-nipping fish, such as neon tetras or tiger barbs.


  • Angelfish are omnivores and should be fed a varied diet, including flake foods, sinking pellets, and protein-rich frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. Occasional live foods can also stimulate natural behaviors.


  • Angelfish form pairs that guard fertilized eggs on flat surfaces. The parents care for the fry until they are ready to eat regular food. Sexing Angelfish is challenging, but males tend to be slimmer, with a more pointed body and anal fin than females.


  • Angelfish can be territorial, particularly during breeding, and may attempt to eat smaller fish. They are also susceptible to common fish diseases like Ich, fin rot, and velvet disease. Careful attention to water quality and tankmates is important.

With the right care, Angelfish make beautiful, long-lived additions to an aquarium.


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